Saturday, April 26, 2008

Thing 21: Podcasts

Could not access any podcasts on Success on PodcastAlley. Too much commercial presence on both sites. I liked being able to listen to the podcast and work on another site at the same time, because I'm not patient enough to just listen. Explored Podcast Alley's genres. Went to the genre, Education and from there to History Clip of the Week. Those had images in addition, but they were shorties (less than 60 seconds), and at the end I get a message, "visit our sponsors." No thanks. Also in Education was Mugglecast, but it was too much drivel (of the sort found on talk radio) to keep me engaged. I love Harry Potter, but tend not to like all the hype. This stuff was from March 2007, when there was LOTS of buildup to #7.

Because I am a Mac user, I checked out iTunes podcasts, which I had never explored--have only done music library to play my own(ed) audio CDs. iTunes podcast had some great content, such as the TED talks (Technology, Entertainment, Design)--recorded lectures, containing video and audio, of major thinkers of our time. Unfortunately, the only podcasts in iTunes with RSS feeds are only a handful of Microsoft tech updates--not a good fit for me.

I finally went to Yahoo podcast and searched for book reviews. Nancy Perl, of NPR fame, came up. Yay! She is funny and a good reviewer--and has read voraciously--so I subscribed to her podcast on Bloglines. Her commentary is definitely a great addition to my library web page!

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